AMITY GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL is India’s leading college for MBA and BBA courses, Ranked amongst the TOP 10 Business Schools in India 2020. Amity Education Group is trusted by over 1,50,000 students across the nation. AGBS Hyderabad has a legacy of excellence in Business Management Education providing various MBA and BBA courses. AGBS Hyderabad college is top ranked Business College in Hyderabad Regions AGBS Hyderabad offers MBA and BBA courses and provides extensive corporate exposure through Corporate Meet, Guest lectures and Seminars etc. Our education techniques and expertise for the MBA course has resulted in a consistent 100 % campus placements. Students from the 2018-2020 batch were placed in companies like Deloitte, VAB Industries Pvt Ltd, Mahindra Finance, Recliners India Pvt Ltd, Uber and among other fortune 500 companies. AGBS Hyderabad college has a globally benchmarked infrastructure and a unique academic experience. Admissions for the 2020 batch of MBA and BBA is open, so now is the opportunity to join Amity Global Business School. To know more about admission application for 2020 batch apply online by filling enquiry form on the website or visit our nearest admission, centre.